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This notebook goes over how to use the Twilio API wrapper to send a message through SMS or Twilio Messaging Channels.

Twilio Messaging Channels facilitates integrations with 3rd party messaging apps and lets you send messages through WhatsApp Business Platform (GA), Facebook Messenger (Public Beta) and Google Business Messages (Private Beta).


To use this tool you need to install the Python Twilio package twilio

%pip install --upgrade --quiet  twilio

You'll also need to set up a Twilio account and get your credentials. You'll need your Account String Identifier (SID) and your Auth Token. You'll also need a number to send messages from.

You can either pass these in to the TwilioAPIWrapper as named parameters account_sid, auth_token, from_number, or you can set the environment variables TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN, TWILIO_FROM_NUMBER.

Sending an SMSโ€‹

from langchain_community.utilities.twilio import TwilioAPIWrapper
API Reference:TwilioAPIWrapper
twilio = TwilioAPIWrapper(
# account_sid="foo",
# auth_token="bar",
# from_number="baz,"
)"hello world", "+16162904619")

Sending a WhatsApp Messageโ€‹

You'll need to link your WhatsApp Business Account with Twilio. You'll also need to make sure that the number to send messages from is configured as a WhatsApp Enabled Sender on Twilio and registered with WhatsApp.

from langchain_community.utilities.twilio import TwilioAPIWrapper
API Reference:TwilioAPIWrapper
twilio = TwilioAPIWrapper(
# account_sid="foo",
# auth_token="bar",
# from_number="whatsapp: baz,"
)"hello world", "whatsapp: +16162904619")

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