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Timescale Vector (Postgres)

Timescale Vector is PostgreSQL++ for AI applications. It enables you to efficiently store and query billions of vector embeddings in PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL also known as Postgres, is a free and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance.

This notebook shows how to use the Postgres vector database (TimescaleVector) to perform self-querying. In the notebook we'll demo the SelfQueryRetriever wrapped around a TimescaleVector vector store.

What is Timescale Vector?โ€‹

Timescale Vector is PostgreSQL++ for AI applications.

Timescale Vector enables you to efficiently store and query millions of vector embeddings in PostgreSQL.

  • Enhances pgvector with faster and more accurate similarity search on 1B+ vectors via DiskANN inspired indexing algorithm.
  • Enables fast time-based vector search via automatic time-based partitioning and indexing.
  • Provides a familiar SQL interface for querying vector embeddings and relational data.

Timescale Vector is cloud PostgreSQL for AI that scales with you from POC to production:

  • Simplifies operations by enabling you to store relational metadata, vector embeddings, and time-series data in a single database.
  • Benefits from rock-solid PostgreSQL foundation with enterprise-grade feature liked streaming backups and replication, high-availability and row-level security.
  • Enables a worry-free experience with enterprise-grade security and compliance.

How to access Timescale Vectorโ€‹

Timescale Vector is available on Timescale, the cloud PostgreSQL platform. (There is no self-hosted version at this time.)

LangChain users get a 90-day free trial for Timescale Vector.

Creating a TimescaleVector vectorstoreโ€‹

First we'll want to create a Timescale Vector vectorstore and seed it with some data. We've created a small demo set of documents that contain summaries of movies.

NOTE: The self-query retriever requires you to have lark installed (pip install lark). We also need the timescale-vector package.

%pip install --upgrade --quiet  lark
%pip install --upgrade --quiet  timescale-vector

In this example, we'll use OpenAIEmbeddings, so let's load your OpenAI API key.

# Get openAI api key by reading local .env file
# The .env file should contain a line starting with `OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-`
import os

from dotenv import find_dotenv, load_dotenv

_ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv())

# Alternatively, use getpass to enter the key in a prompt
# import os
# import getpass
# os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = getpass.getpass("OpenAI API Key:")

To connect to your PostgreSQL database, you'll need your service URI, which can be found in the cheatsheet or .env file you downloaded after creating a new database.

If you haven't already, signup for Timescale, and create a new database.

The URI will look something like this: postgres://tsdbadmin:<password>@<id><port>/tsdb?sslmode=require

# Get the service url by reading local .env file
# The .env file should contain a line starting with `TIMESCALE_SERVICE_URL=postgresql://`
_ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv())

# Alternatively, use getpass to enter the key in a prompt
# import os
# import getpass
# TIMESCALE_SERVICE_URL = getpass.getpass("Timescale Service URL:")
from langchain_community.vectorstores.timescalevector import TimescaleVector
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings

embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()

Here's the sample documents we'll use for this demo. The data is about movies, and has both content and metadata fields with information about particular movie.

docs = [
page_content="A bunch of scientists bring back dinosaurs and mayhem breaks loose",
metadata={"year": 1993, "rating": 7.7, "genre": "science fiction"},
page_content="Leo DiCaprio gets lost in a dream within a dream within a dream within a ...",
metadata={"year": 2010, "director": "Christopher Nolan", "rating": 8.2},
page_content="A psychologist / detective gets lost in a series of dreams within dreams within dreams and Inception reused the idea",
metadata={"year": 2006, "director": "Satoshi Kon", "rating": 8.6},
page_content="A bunch of normal-sized women are supremely wholesome and some men pine after them",
metadata={"year": 2019, "director": "Greta Gerwig", "rating": 8.3},
page_content="Toys come alive and have a blast doing so",
metadata={"year": 1995, "genre": "animated"},
page_content="Three men walk into the Zone, three men walk out of the Zone",
"year": 1979,
"director": "Andrei Tarkovsky",
"genre": "science fiction",
"rating": 9.9,

Finally, we'll create our Timescale Vector vectorstore. Note that the collection name will be the name of the PostgreSQL table in which the documents are stored in.

COLLECTION_NAME = "langchain_self_query_demo"
vectorstore = TimescaleVector.from_documents(

Creating our self-querying retrieverโ€‹

Now we can instantiate our retriever. To do this we'll need to provide some information upfront about the metadata fields that our documents support and a short description of the document contents.

from langchain.chains.query_constructor.base import AttributeInfo
from langchain.retrievers.self_query.base import SelfQueryRetriever
from langchain_openai import OpenAI

# Give LLM info about the metadata fields
metadata_field_info = [
description="The genre of the movie",
type="string or list[string]",
description="The year the movie was released",
description="The name of the movie director",
name="rating", description="A 1-10 rating for the movie", type="float"
document_content_description = "Brief summary of a movie"

# Instantiate the self-query retriever from an LLM
llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)
retriever = SelfQueryRetriever.from_llm(
llm, vectorstore, document_content_description, metadata_field_info, verbose=True

Self Querying Retrieval with Timescale Vectorโ€‹

And now we can try actually using our retriever!

Run the queries below and note how you can specify a query, filter, composite filter (filters with AND, OR) in natural language and the self-query retriever will translate that query into SQL and perform the search on the Timescale Vector (Postgres) vectorstore.

This illustrates the power of the self-query retriever. You can use it to perform complex searches over your vectorstore without you or your users having to write any SQL directly!

# This example only specifies a relevant query
retriever.invoke("What are some movies about dinosaurs")
/Users/avtharsewrathan/sideprojects2023/timescaleai/tsv-langchain/langchain/libs/langchain/langchain/chains/ UserWarning: The predict_and_parse method is deprecated, instead pass an output parser directly to LLMChain.
query='dinosaur' filter=None limit=None
[Document(page_content='A bunch of scientists bring back dinosaurs and mayhem breaks loose', metadata={'year': 1993, 'genre': 'science fiction', 'rating': 7.7}),
Document(page_content='A bunch of scientists bring back dinosaurs and mayhem breaks loose', metadata={'year': 1993, 'genre': 'science fiction', 'rating': 7.7}),
Document(page_content='Toys come alive and have a blast doing so', metadata={'year': 1995, 'genre': 'animated'}),
Document(page_content='Toys come alive and have a blast doing so', metadata={'year': 1995, 'genre': 'animated'})]
# This example only specifies a filter
retriever.invoke("I want to watch a movie rated higher than 8.5")
query=' ' filter=Comparison(comparator=<Comparator.GT: 'gt'>, attribute='rating', value=8.5) limit=None
[Document(page_content='Three men walk into the Zone, three men walk out of the Zone', metadata={'year': 1979, 'genre': 'science fiction', 'rating': 9.9, 'director': 'Andrei Tarkovsky'}),
Document(page_content='Three men walk into the Zone, three men walk out of the Zone', metadata={'year': 1979, 'genre': 'science fiction', 'rating': 9.9, 'director': 'Andrei Tarkovsky'}),
Document(page_content='A psychologist / detective gets lost in a series of dreams within dreams within dreams and Inception reused the idea', metadata={'year': 2006, 'rating': 8.6, 'director': 'Satoshi Kon'}),
Document(page_content='A psychologist / detective gets lost in a series of dreams within dreams within dreams and Inception reused the idea', metadata={'year': 2006, 'rating': 8.6, 'director': 'Satoshi Kon'})]
# This example specifies a query and a filter
retriever.invoke("Has Greta Gerwig directed any movies about women")
query='women' filter=Comparison(comparator=<Comparator.EQ: 'eq'>, attribute='director', value='Greta Gerwig') limit=None
[Document(page_content='A bunch of normal-sized women are supremely wholesome and some men pine after them', metadata={'year': 2019, 'rating': 8.3, 'director': 'Greta Gerwig'}),
Document(page_content='A bunch of normal-sized women are supremely wholesome and some men pine after them', metadata={'year': 2019, 'rating': 8.3, 'director': 'Greta Gerwig'})]
# This example specifies a composite filter
retriever.invoke("What's a highly rated (above 8.5) science fiction film?")
query=' ' filter=Operation(operator=<Operator.AND: 'and'>, arguments=[Comparison(comparator=<Comparator.GTE: 'gte'>, attribute='rating', value=8.5), Comparison(comparator=<Comparator.EQ: 'eq'>, attribute='genre', value='science fiction')]) limit=None
[Document(page_content='Three men walk into the Zone, three men walk out of the Zone', metadata={'year': 1979, 'genre': 'science fiction', 'rating': 9.9, 'director': 'Andrei Tarkovsky'}),
Document(page_content='Three men walk into the Zone, three men walk out of the Zone', metadata={'year': 1979, 'genre': 'science fiction', 'rating': 9.9, 'director': 'Andrei Tarkovsky'})]
# This example specifies a query and composite filter
"What's a movie after 1990 but before 2005 that's all about toys, and preferably is animated"
query='toys' filter=Operation(operator=<Operator.AND: 'and'>, arguments=[Comparison(comparator=<Comparator.GT: 'gt'>, attribute='year', value=1990), Comparison(comparator=<Comparator.LT: 'lt'>, attribute='year', value=2005), Comparison(comparator=<Comparator.EQ: 'eq'>, attribute='genre', value='animated')]) limit=None
[Document(page_content='Toys come alive and have a blast doing so', metadata={'year': 1995, 'genre': 'animated'})]

Filter kโ€‹

We can also use the self query retriever to specify k: the number of documents to fetch.

We can do this by passing enable_limit=True to the constructor.

retriever = SelfQueryRetriever.from_llm(
# This example specifies a query with a LIMIT value
retriever.invoke("what are two movies about dinosaurs")
query='dinosaur' filter=None limit=2
[Document(page_content='A bunch of scientists bring back dinosaurs and mayhem breaks loose', metadata={'year': 1993, 'genre': 'science fiction', 'rating': 7.7}),
Document(page_content='A bunch of scientists bring back dinosaurs and mayhem breaks loose', metadata={'year': 1993, 'genre': 'science fiction', 'rating': 7.7})]

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