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Databricks Lakehouse Platform unifies data, analytics, and AI on one platform.

This notebook provides a quick overview for getting started with Databricks LLM models. For detailed documentation of all features and configurations head to the API reference.


Databricks LLM class wraps a completion endpoint hosted as either of these two endpoint types:

  • Databricks Model Serving, recommended for production and development,
  • Cluster driver proxy app, recommended for interactive development.

This example notebook shows how to wrap your LLM endpoint and use it as an LLM in your LangChain application.


The Databricks LLM class is legacy implementation and has several limitations in the feature compatibility.

  • Only supports synchronous invocation. Streaming or async APIs are not supported.
  • batch API is not supported.

To use those features, please use the new ChatDatabricks class instead. ChatDatabricks supports all APIs of ChatModel including streaming, async, batch, etc.


To access Databricks models you'll need to create a Databricks account, set up credentials (only if you are outside Databricks workspace), and install required packages.

Credentials (only if you are outside Databricks)

If you are running LangChain app inside Databricks, you can skip this step.

Otherwise, you need manually set the Databricks workspace hostname and personal access token to DATABRICKS_HOST and DATABRICKS_TOKEN environment variables, respectively. See Authentication Documentation for how to get an access token.

import getpass
import os

os.environ["DATABRICKS_HOST"] = ""
if "DATABRICKS_TOKEN" not in os.environ:
os.environ["DATABRICKS_TOKEN"] = getpass.getpass(
"Enter your Databricks access token: "

Alternatively, you can pass those parameters when initializing the Databricks class.

from langchain_community.llms import Databricks

databricks = Databricks(
# We strongly recommend NOT to hardcode your access token in your code, instead use secret management tools
# or environment variables to store your access token securely. The following example uses Databricks Secrets
# to retrieve the access token that is available within the Databricks notebook.
token=dbutils.secrets.get(scope="YOUR_SECRET_SCOPE", key="databricks-token"), # noqa: F821
API Reference:Databricks


The LangChain Databricks integration lives in the langchain-community package. Also, mlflow >= 2.9 is required to run the code in this notebook.

%pip install -qU langchain-community mlflow>=2.9.0

Wrapping Model Serving Endpoint


The expected MLflow model signature is:

  • inputs: [{"name": "prompt", "type": "string"}, {"name": "stop", "type": "list[string]"}]
  • outputs: [{"type": "string"}]


from langchain_community.llms import Databricks

llm = Databricks(endpoint_name="YOUR_ENDPOINT_NAME")
llm.invoke("How are you?")
API Reference:Databricks
'I am happy to hear that you are in good health and as always, you are appreciated.'
llm.invoke("How are you?", stop=["."])

Transform Input and Output

Sometimes you may want to wrap a serving endpoint that has imcompatible model signature or you want to insert extra configs. You can use the transform_input_fn and transform_output_fn arguments to define additional pre/post process.

# Use `transform_input_fn` and `transform_output_fn` if the serving endpoint
# expects a different input schema and does not return a JSON string,
# respectively, or you want to apply a prompt template on top.

def transform_input(**request):
full_prompt = f"""{request["prompt"]}
Be Concise.
request["prompt"] = full_prompt
return request

def transform_output(response):
return response.upper()

llm = Databricks(

llm.invoke("How are you?")

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