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This notebook demonstrates how to use the Arcee class for generating text using Arcee's Domain Adapted Language Models (DALMs).

##Installing the langchain packages needed to use the integration
%pip install -qU langchain-community


Before using Arcee, make sure the Arcee API key is set as ARCEE_API_KEY environment variable. You can also pass the api key as a named parameter.

from langchain_community.llms import Arcee

# Create an instance of the Arcee class
arcee = Arcee(
# arcee_api_key="ARCEE-API-KEY" # if not already set in the environment
API Reference:Arcee

Additional Configurationโ€‹

You can also configure Arcee's parameters such as arcee_api_url, arcee_app_url, and model_kwargs as needed. Setting the model_kwargs at the object initialization uses the parameters as default for all the subsequent calls to the generate response.

arcee = Arcee(
# arcee_api_key="ARCEE-API-KEY", # if not already set in the environment
arcee_api_url="", # default is
arcee_app_url="", # default is
"size": 5,
"filters": [
"field_name": "document",
"filter_type": "fuzzy_search",
"value": "Einstein",

Generating Textโ€‹

You can generate text from Arcee by providing a prompt. Here's an example:

# Generate text
prompt = "Can AI-driven music therapy contribute to the rehabilitation of patients with disorders of consciousness?"
response = arcee(prompt)

Additional parametersโ€‹

Arcee allows you to apply filters and set the size (in terms of count) of retrieved document(s) to aid text generation. Filters help narrow down the results. Here's how to use these parameters:

# Define filters
filters = [
{"field_name": "document", "filter_type": "fuzzy_search", "value": "Einstein"},
{"field_name": "year", "filter_type": "strict_search", "value": "1905"},

# Generate text with filters and size params
response = arcee(prompt, size=5, filters=filters)

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