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Nuclia automatically indexes your unstructured data from any internal and external source, providing optimized search results and generative answers. It can handle video and audio transcription, image content extraction, and document parsing.

Nuclia Understanding API document transformer splits text into paragraphs and sentences, identifies entities, provides a summary of the text and generates embeddings for all the sentences.

To use the Nuclia Understanding API, you need to have a Nuclia account. You can create one for free at, and then create a NUA key.

from langchain_community.document_transformers.nuclia_text_transform import NucliaTextTransformer

%pip install --upgrade --quiet  protobuf
%pip install --upgrade --quiet nucliadb-protos
import os

os.environ["NUCLIA_ZONE"] = "<YOUR_ZONE>" # e.g. europe-1
os.environ["NUCLIA_NUA_KEY"] = "<YOUR_API_KEY>"

To use the Nuclia document transformer, you need to instantiate a NucliaUnderstandingAPI tool with enable_ml set to True:

from import NucliaUnderstandingAPI

nua = NucliaUnderstandingAPI(enable_ml=True)

The Nuclia document transformer must be called in async mode, so you need to use the atransform_documents method:

import asyncio

from langchain_community.document_transformers.nuclia_text_transform import (
from langchain_core.documents import Document

async def process():
documents = [
Document(page_content="<TEXT 1>", metadata={}),
Document(page_content="<TEXT 2>", metadata={}),
Document(page_content="<TEXT 3>", metadata={}),
nuclia_transformer = NucliaTextTransformer(nua)
transformed_documents = await nuclia_transformer.atransform_documents(documents)

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