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Like PyMuPDF, the output Documents contain detailed metadata about the PDF and its pages, and returns one document per page.


Integration details​

ClassPackageLocalSerializableJS support

Loader features​

SourceDocument Lazy LoadingNative Async Support



No credentials are needed to use this loader.

If you want to get automated best in-class tracing of your model calls you can also set your LangSmith API key by uncommenting below:

# os.environ["LANGSMITH_API_KEY"] = getpass.getpass("Enter your LangSmith API key: ")
# os.environ["LANGSMITH_TRACING"] = "true"


Install langchain_community.

%pip install -qU langchain_community


Now we can instantiate our model object and load documents:

from langchain_community.document_loaders import PDFPlumberLoader

loader = PDFPlumberLoader("./example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf")
API Reference:PDFPlumberLoader


docs = loader.load()
Document(metadata={'source': './example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf', 'file_path': './example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf', 'page': 0, 'total_pages': 16, 'Author': '', 'CreationDate': 'D:20210622012710Z', 'Creator': 'LaTeX with hyperref', 'Keywords': '', 'ModDate': 'D:20210622012710Z', 'PTEX.Fullbanner': 'This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020) kpathsea version 6.3.2', 'Producer': 'pdfTeX-1.40.21', 'Subject': '', 'Title': '', 'Trapped': 'False'}, page_content='LayoutParser: A Unified Toolkit for Deep\nLearning Based Document Image Analysis\nZejiang Shen1 ((cid:0)), Ruochen Zhang2, Melissa Dell3, Benjamin Charles Germain\nLee4, Jacob Carlson3, and Weining Li5\n1 Allen Institute for AI\\n2 Brown University\nruochen\n3 Harvard University\n{melissadell,jacob carlson}\n4 University of Washington\\n5 University of Waterloo\\nAbstract. Recentadvancesindocumentimageanalysis(DIA)havebeen\nprimarily driven by the application of neural networks. Ideally, research\noutcomescouldbeeasilydeployedinproductionandextendedforfurther\ninvestigation. However, various factors like loosely organized codebases\nand sophisticated model configurations complicate the easy reuse of im-\nportantinnovationsbyawideaudience.Thoughtherehavebeenon-going\nefforts to improve reusability and simplify deep learning (DL) model\ndevelopmentindisciplineslikenaturallanguageprocessingandcomputer\nvision, none of them are optimized for challenges in the domain of DIA.\nThis represents a major gap in the existing toolkit, as DIA is central to\nacademicresearchacross awiderangeof disciplinesinthesocialsciences\nand humanities. This paper introduces LayoutParser, an open-source\nlibrary for streamlining the usage of DL in DIA research and applica-\ntions. The core LayoutParser library comes with a set of simple and\nintuitiveinterfacesforapplyingandcustomizingDLmodelsforlayoutde-\ntection,characterrecognition,andmanyotherdocumentprocessingtasks.\nTo promote extensibility, LayoutParser also incorporates a community\nplatform for sharing both pre-trained models and full document digiti-\nzation pipelines. We demonstrate that LayoutParser is helpful for both\nlightweight and large-scale digitization pipelines in real-word use cases.\nThe library is publicly available at\nKeywords: DocumentImageAnalysis·DeepLearning·LayoutAnalysis\n· Character Recognition · Open Source library · Toolkit.\n1 Introduction\nDeep Learning(DL)-based approaches are the state-of-the-art for a wide range of\ndocumentimageanalysis(DIA)tasksincludingdocumentimageclassification[11,\n1202\nnuJ\n12\n][\n2v84351.3012:viXra\n')
{'source': './example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf', 'file_path': './example_data/layout-parser-paper.pdf', 'page': 0, 'total_pages': 16, 'Author': '', 'CreationDate': 'D:20210622012710Z', 'Creator': 'LaTeX with hyperref', 'Keywords': '', 'ModDate': 'D:20210622012710Z', 'PTEX.Fullbanner': 'This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020) kpathsea version 6.3.2', 'Producer': 'pdfTeX-1.40.21', 'Subject': '', 'Title': '', 'Trapped': 'False'}

Lazy Load​

page = []
for doc in loader.lazy_load():
if len(page) >= 10:
# do some paged operation, e.g.
# index.upsert(page)

page = []

API reference​

For detailed documentation of all PDFPlumberLoader features and configurations head to the API reference:

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