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Airbyte Hubspot (Deprecated)

Note: AirbyteHubspotLoader is deprecated. Please use AirbyteLoader instead.

Airbyte is a data integration platform for ELT pipelines from APIs, databases & files to warehouses & lakes. It has the largest catalog of ELT connectors to data warehouses and databases.

This loader exposes the Hubspot connector as a document loader, allowing you to load various Hubspot objects as documents.


First, you need to install the airbyte-source-hubspot python package.

%pip install --upgrade --quiet  airbyte-source-hubspot


Check out the Airbyte documentation page for details about how to configure the reader. The JSON schema the config object should adhere to can be found on Github:

The general shape looks like this:

"start_date": "<date from which to start retrieving records from in ISO format, e.g. 2020-10-20T00:00:00Z>",
"credentials": {
"credentials_title": "Private App Credentials",
"access_token": "<access token of your private app>"

By default all fields are stored as metadata in the documents and the text is set to an empty string. Construct the text of the document by transforming the documents returned by the reader.

from langchain_community.document_loaders.airbyte import AirbyteHubspotLoader

config = {
# your hubspot configuration

loader = AirbyteHubspotLoader(
config=config, stream_name="products"
) # check the documentation linked above for a list of all streams
API Reference:AirbyteHubspotLoader

Now you can load documents the usual way

docs = loader.load()

As load returns a list, it will block until all documents are loaded. To have better control over this process, you can also you the lazy_load method which returns an iterator instead:

docs_iterator = loader.lazy_load()

Keep in mind that by default the page content is empty and the metadata object contains all the information from the record. To process documents, create a class inheriting from the base loader and implement the _handle_records method yourself:

from langchain_core.documents import Document

def handle_record(record, id):
return Document(["title"],

loader = AirbyteHubspotLoader(
config=config, record_handler=handle_record, stream_name="products"
docs = loader.load()
API Reference:Document

Incremental loadsโ€‹

Some streams allow incremental loading, this means the source keeps track of synced records and won't load them again. This is useful for sources that have a high volume of data and are updated frequently.

To take advantage of this, store the last_state property of the loader and pass it in when creating the loader again. This will ensure that only new records are loaded.

last_state = loader.last_state  # store safely

incremental_loader = AirbyteHubspotLoader(
config=config, stream_name="products", state=last_state

new_docs = incremental_loader.load()

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