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How to get log probabilities


This guide assumes familiarity with the following concepts:

Certain chat models can be configured to return token-level log probabilities representing the likelihood of a given token. This guide walks through how to get this information in LangChain.


Install the LangChain x OpenAI package and set your API key

%pip install -qU langchain-openai
import getpass
import os

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = getpass.getpass()

For the OpenAI API to return log probabilities we need to configure the logprobs=True param. Then, the logprobs are included on each output AIMessage as part of the response_metadata:

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini").bind(logprobs=True)

msg = llm.invoke(("human", "how are you today"))

API Reference:ChatOpenAI
[{'token': 'I', 'bytes': [73], 'logprob': -0.26341408, 'top_logprobs': []},
{'token': "'m",
'bytes': [39, 109],
'logprob': -0.48584133,
'top_logprobs': []},
{'token': ' just',
'bytes': [32, 106, 117, 115, 116],
'logprob': -0.23484154,
'top_logprobs': []},
{'token': ' a',
'bytes': [32, 97],
'logprob': -0.0018291725,
'top_logprobs': []},
{'token': ' computer',
'bytes': [32, 99, 111, 109, 112, 117, 116, 101, 114],
'logprob': -0.052299336,
'top_logprobs': []}]

And are part of streamed Message chunks as well:

ct = 0
full = None
for chunk in"human", "how are you today")):
if ct < 5:
full = chunk if full is None else full + chunk
if "logprobs" in full.response_metadata:
ct += 1
[{'token': 'I', 'bytes': [73], 'logprob': -0.26593843, 'top_logprobs': []}]
[{'token': 'I', 'bytes': [73], 'logprob': -0.26593843, 'top_logprobs': []}, {'token': "'m", 'bytes': [39, 109], 'logprob': -0.3238896, 'top_logprobs': []}]
[{'token': 'I', 'bytes': [73], 'logprob': -0.26593843, 'top_logprobs': []}, {'token': "'m", 'bytes': [39, 109], 'logprob': -0.3238896, 'top_logprobs': []}, {'token': ' just', 'bytes': [32, 106, 117, 115, 116], 'logprob': -0.23778509, 'top_logprobs': []}]
[{'token': 'I', 'bytes': [73], 'logprob': -0.26593843, 'top_logprobs': []}, {'token': "'m", 'bytes': [39, 109], 'logprob': -0.3238896, 'top_logprobs': []}, {'token': ' just', 'bytes': [32, 106, 117, 115, 116], 'logprob': -0.23778509, 'top_logprobs': []}, {'token': ' a', 'bytes': [32, 97], 'logprob': -0.0022134194, 'top_logprobs': []}]

Next steps​

You've now learned how to get logprobs from OpenAI models in LangChain.

Next, check out the other how-to guides chat models in this section, like how to get a model to return structured output or how to track token usage.

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