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General guidelines

Here are some things to keep in mind for all types of contributions:

  • Follow the "fork and pull request" workflow.
  • Fill out the checked-in pull request template when opening pull requests. Note related issues and tag relevant maintainers.
  • Ensure your PR passes formatting, linting, and testing checks before requesting a review.
    • If you would like comments or feedback on your current progress, please open an issue or discussion and tag a maintainer.
    • See the sections on Testing and Formatting and Linting for how to run these checks locally.
  • Backwards compatibility is key. Your changes must not be breaking, except in case of critical bug and security fixes.
  • Look for duplicate PRs or issues that have already been opened before opening a new one.
  • Keep scope as isolated as possible. As a general rule, your changes should not affect more than one package at a time.


We encourage and appreciate bugfixes. We ask that you:

  • Explain the bug in enough detail for maintainers to be able to reproduce it.
    • If an accompanying issue exists, link to it. Prefix with Fixes so that the issue will close automatically when the PR is merged.
  • Avoid breaking changes if possible.
  • Include unit tests that fail without the bugfix.

If you come across a bug and don't know how to fix it, we ask that you open an issue for it describing in detail the environment in which you encountered the bug.

New features

We aim to keep the bar high for new features. We generally don't accept new core abstractions, changes to infra, changes to dependencies, or new agents/chains from outside contributors without an existing GitHub discussion or issue that demonstrates an acute need for them.

  • New features must come with docs, unit tests, and (if appropriate) integration tests.
  • New integrations must come with docs, unit tests, and (if appropriate) integration tests.
    • See this page for more details on contributing new integrations.
  • New functionality should not inherit from or use deprecated methods or classes.
  • We will reject features that are likely to lead to security vulnerabilities or reports.
  • Do not add any hard dependencies. Integrations may add optional dependencies.

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